Every week during term time we are here (virtually) for you to have the chance to meet other parents who ‘get it’ and to get answers to questions so that you know the next steps for your journey. Every Monday morning during term time 10am-12pm.
We also run a monthly in person Tii Hub (currently in Huntingdon only).
We also have an online monthly profound and multiple learning disabilities group.
Details and booking are available on our events page.

Every month we run a participation session based on one of 4 themes where you will have the chance to meet the professionals who provide services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The themes are Education, Health, Mental Health and What other help is available.
These are your chance to be heard by professionals to tell them what’s working, what’s not working and what would be better if… as well as asking your questions. Professionals will also bring ideas to the sessions to share with parents and carers to hear how you would like services to be shaped.

Are you the parent/carer of a child that has non-diagnosed or diagnosed Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)?
Would you like to meet other parents to share your experience and get practical help and advice? We run regular information sessions for parents/carers whose children are on the waiting list, have had a referral turned down or are accessing services. These run every week during term time. We invite speakers that will offer advice on how to support you, your child and your family.
All of our information sessions are currently being held virtually online. More details & bookings can be found on our events page.